1.00This chapter provides procedures necessary to connect optional peripheral equipment to the STRATA DK8 or DK16. The installation instruc- tions for each peripheral option include hardware requirements, printed circuit board (PCB) configu- ration, interconnection/wiring requirements, and programming considerations, as applicable.

1.01Peripheral equipment is connected to the Base Unit itself and PCBs located in the Base Unit and Expansion Unit on the DK16. On the DK8, peripheral equipment connects to the KSU. Refer to Section 100-816-204 for Key Service Unit instal- lation instructions, PCB installation instructions, and PCB configuration information for the DK8. Refer to Section 100-816-205 for Base Unit and Expansion Unit installation instructions, PCB in- stallation instructions, and PCB configuration infor- mation for the DK16.

1.02Wiring diagrams for each peripheral are lo- cated in this chapter.


2.00STRATA DK8 and DK16 systems provides a Music-on-Hold option for CO lines and digital, elec- tronic (DK16 only) and standard telephones con- nected to the system. A variety of Background Music options are also provided (refer to Figure 7-1).

2.10DK8 and DK16 Music-on-Hold (MOH) Option

2.11An external music source—such as a tape player or tuner—can be connected to the RCA jack (labeled MOH) on the STRATA DK8 or DK16. The MOH source can be controlled (on/off) by a relay option set in Program 77-1. The DK8 KSU and DK16 Base Unit relay can control the MOH source, or the DK16 night bell. The MOH source and MOH relay contact specifications are:

MOH Source Specifications

§Input Impedance: 600 ohms

§Input Voltage (recommended levels) Minimum: 0.14 VRMS (-15 dBm) Maximum: 0.77 VRMS (0 dBm)


SECTION 100-816-207

MARCH 1993

Relay Contact Specifications

§Voltage: 24VDC maximum

§Current: 1 ampere maximum



In accordance with U.S. Copyright Law, a license may be required from the Ameri- can Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP), or other similar or- ganization, if copyrighted music is trans- mitted through the Music-on-Hold feature of this telecommunications system. Toshiba America Information Systems, Inc., hereby disclaims any liability arising out of the failure to obtain such a license.

2.12Music-on-Hold Installation. Install the Mu- sic-on-Hold option in accordance with the following steps (refer to Figure 7-1):

1)Connect the external music source to the MOH RCA jack on the DK8 KSU or DK16 Base Unit.

2)Rotate the MOH volume control (VR1) on the Base Unit to adjust Music-on-Hold volume: clockwise increases volume; counterclock- wise decreases volume. Listen to the CO line on-hold when setting MOH to the proper vol- ume.

3A) If MOH relay control is required in DK8, the MOH relay is selected in Program 77-1.Fol- low program instructions to make selection. This will short pins 42 and 17 of the DK8 KSU or DK16 Base Unit amphenol connector when MOH is activated by a CO line on hold.

3B) If MOH relay control is required in DK16, the Base Unit or the PIOU/PIOUS relay may be selected in Program 77-1. Follow Program instruction to make the selection.

4A) Set PIOU jumper plug P11 to MAKE or BREAK position as required:

MAKE (M)—Shorts the normally open contacts (pins 9 and 34) when MOH is activated.

BREAK (B)—Opens the normally closed contacts (pins 9 and 34) when MOH is activated.


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Toshiba MUSIC-ON-HOLD/BACKGROUND Music Options, 10 DK8 and DK16 Music-on-Hold MOH Option, MOH Source Specifications