Network Scanning | 136 | |
Scan to Mailbox | 136 | |
Scan to PC | 136 | |
electrical supply | 13 | |
37, 117, 122 | ||
adding a return address | 141 | |
adding sender’s address | 124, 125 | |
basic features | 122 | |
138 | ||
Encryption |
142 | ||
Internet Fax | 113 | |
Energy Saver button | 36, 40 | |
energy saver modes |
low power mode | 40 | |
product overview | 40 | |
sleep mode | 40 | |
Energy Star, compliance | 20 | |
enlarging an image over multiple sheets | ............68 | |
enlarging copy size | 50 | |
enlarging scan size | 100 | |
environmental compliance | 20 | |
Energy Star | 20 | |
F |
F Code - Fax | 106 | |
F Code, relay broadcasting | 86 | |
Fax | 38, 79 | |
fax destinations |
Fax | 85 | |
Internet Fax | 91 | |
Server Fax | 94 | |
Fax documents for confidential polling | ............. | 145 |
Fax function |
Data Coupler information | 18 | |
Send Header requirements | 18 | |
fax signals, relay broadcasting | 86 | |
faxing |
2 sided documents | 97 | |
Address Book, using | 88, 95 | |
addresses | 85 | |
advanced features | 107 | |
basic features | 96 | |
communication mode | 102 | |
country code | 79 | |
cover page, adding comments | 90 | |
density level | 97 | |
destinations, specifying | 82, 85 | |
destinations, specifying using |
special characters | 86, 95 | |
fax options | 101 | |
header, adding name and phone number ..104 | ||
job status, checking | 84 | |
layout | 99 | |
loading documents | 80 | |
long fax documents | 81 | |
manual size input | 99 | |
mixed sized originals | 99 | |
multiple documents on one sheet | 105 | |
original size | 99 | |
original type | 97 |
reducing/enlarging scan size | 100 |
remote machine output | 104 |
remote machine response |
prior to transmission, confirming | 110 |
remote mailbox, using | 105 |
retrieving from remote machines | 107 |
scanning resolution | 98 |
send priority and time | 102 |
sending documents to multiple recipients 85, 94 | |
sending documents to remote machines 86, 95 | |
speed dialing | 89 |
starting a job | 83 |
stopping a job | 84 |
storing for retrieval from remote machine | .. 108 |
subject and comment (Internet Fax) | 83 |
transmission result mail, receiving | 111 |
transmitting documents with cover page | ..... 89 |
transmitting facing pages on separate |
sheets | 100 |
FDI | 35 |
Features button | 37, 41 |
File Format |
138 | |
Network Scanning | 138 |
Scan to Mailbox | 138 |
Scan to PC | 138 |
File Name |
140 | |
Network Scanning | 140 |
Scan to PC | 140 |
File Name Conflict |
Network Scanning | 140 |
Scan to PC | 140 |
Filing Options |
Network Scanning | 138 |
Scan to Mailbox | 138 |
Scan to PC | 138 |
Forced F4800 bps |
Fax starting rate | 102 |
Internet Fax communication mode | 114 |
Foreign Device Interface connector | 35 |
Form Overlay - Copy | 76 |
FreeBSD | 22 |
From |
124 | |
Internet Fax | 93 |
front cover | 32 |
G |
G3 Auto |
fax starting rate | 102 |
Internet Fax communication mode | 114 |
General Settings |
130 | |
Fax | 96 |
Internet Fax | 96 |
Network Scanning | 130 |
Scan to Mailbox | 130 |
Scan to PC | 130 |
Server Fax | 96 |
Ground Fault Interrupter (GFI) | 35, 40 |