Vita-Mix 101807 manual

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Contents Blender Table of Contents Read all instructions Important SafeguardsSave These Safety Instructions Important Notes Maintenance TipsGeneral Instructions Do not fill the ice bin higher than ice bin rimContainer Compatibility Care & CleaningNo utilice el producto al aire libre Medidas DE Seguridad ImportantesConserve estas instrucciones De seguridad Lea todas las instruccionesNotas Importantes Instrucciones GeneralesConsejos de mantenimiento AdvertenciaCompatibilidad DE Recipientes Mantenimiento Y LimpiezaNE PAS utiliser à l’extérieur Conservez ces consignes de SécuritéLisez toutes les instructions Remarques Importantes Instructions GénéralesConseils d’entretien AvertissementCouvercle Socle moteur/Tableau de commandeEntretien ET Nettoyage Compatibilité DU RécipientNON utilizzare all’esterno Avvertenze ImportantiConservare queste istruzioni Di sicurezza Leggere le istruzioniMai scuotere un contenitore mentre in uso Istruzioni GeneraliConsigli di manutenzione AvvertenzaCoperchio Manutenzione E PuliziaCompatibilità Contenitore Base del motore/Pannello di controllo10. NÃO utilize o aparelho na rua Precauções ImportantesGuarde estas instruções De segurança Precauções adicionais para o Portion Blending System PBSAvisos Importantes Instruções GeraisDicas de manutenção AvisoCopo misturador Manutenção & LimpezaBase do Motor/Painel de controlo TampaSicherheitshinweise gut Aufbewahren Wichtige SicherheitsmassnahmenWarnung Allgemeine AnweisungenWartungstipps Zusätzliche Anweisungen für den PBS-EisbehälterDeckel Reinigung UND PflegeBEHÄLTER-KOMPATIBILITÄT Motorfuß/BedienfeldWAARSCHUWING. Bij de verwerking van hete vloeistoffen Belangrijke BeveiligingenBewaar deze Veilgheidsinstructies Gebruik HET Toesten Niet buitenshuisBelangrijke Opmerkingen Algemene InstructiesOnderhoudstips WaarschuwingRecipiënt Zorg & ReinigingMotorbasis/Bedieningspaneel DekselLad Ikke strømkablet hænge ud over kanten på bordet Gem disse SikkerhedsinstruktionerLæs alle instruktioner Vigtige Bemærkninger Generelle InstruktionerVedligeholdelses Tips Beholder Kompatibilitet Vedligeholdelse & RengøringEkki nota utanhúss Mikilvæg ÖryggisatriðiGeymdu þessar Öryggisleiðbeiningar Viðbótaröryggisatriði fyrir Skammtablöndunarkerfið PBSMikilvæg Minnisatriði Almennar LeiðbeiningarÁbendingar um viðhald AðvörunSamhæfni Könnu Umhirða & HreinsunMaskinen må være plassert slik at støpselet er tilgjengelig Ta vare på disse SikkerhetsinstruksjoneneLes alle instruksjoner Viktige Anmerkninger Generelle InstruksjonerTips for vedlikehold Ikke fyll isbeholderen høyere enn til kantenLokk Vedlikehold OG RengjøringBeholder Kompabilitet Motorbase/kontrollpanelAnvänd Inte apparaten utomhus Viktiga SäkerhetsåtgärderSpara dessa Säkerhetsanvisningar Viktiga Anmärkningar Allmänna AnvisningarUnderhållstips VarningBehållarens Kompatibilitet Underhåll OCH RengöringPidä nämä turvallisuusohjeet Tallessa Tärkeitä TurvallisuusohjeitaVaara Yleiset OhjeetHuolto-ohjeita ÄLÄ täytä jäälokeroa yli jäälokeron reunanSekoitusastia Hoito JA PuhdistusMoottorialusta/ohjauspaneeli KansiVIGYÁZAT! Forró folyadékok turmixolása esetén Fontos ÓvintézkedésekÕrizze meg ezt az útmutatót Késõbbi használatra Olvassa el a kézikönyvetFontos Megjegyzések Általános Használati ÚtmutatóKarbantartási tippek VigyázatKeverõtartály Karbantartás ÉS TisztításMotoregység/Vezérlõpanel Fedél3RUWLRQ %OHQGLQJ 6\VWHP PBS ʬʹ ʧʸʷ ʬʫʩʮ ʤʸʷʡ ʧʥʬʲʥʰʮ ʱʩʱʡʤʱʫʮ ʬʫʩʮʤʷʥʦʧʺʬ ʺʥʶʲ ʤʸʤʦʠʺʥʮʩʠʺʮʤ ʥʬʠ ʺʥʧʩʨʡ ʺʥʠʸʥʤ ʸʥʮʹʤʣʰʷʡ ʭʩʰʩʴ ʤʹʥʬʹ ʭʲ ʭʩʮʠʺʮʡ ʹʮʺʹʤʬ ʯʩʠ ʤʸʤʦʠ БнЬмйозт месЯдщн PBS Рсьуиефет рспцхлЬоейт гйб фп УэуфзмбГенйкеупдзгйеу ЦСПНФЙДБ&КБИБСЙУМПУ 18. Внимание Если Других стран будет другимПродержать в ледяном ларе в течение как минимум 1 часа Кнопка на моделях с электронными регуляторами управленияМатериалов. Избегайте работы аппарата с пустым контейнером Низкой температуре. При использовании этого типа льда можетРаствора Чтобы продлить срок службы Контейнера Компания Vita-MixРекомендует использовать мыльные растворы с низким Ph. Не Или с острым предметом20. Výstraha Pøi zpracování horkých tekutin Uschovejte tyto Bezpeènostní pokynyPøeètìte si všechny pokyny Nikdy se nedotýkejte pohyblivých èástí, zejména nožùVýstraha Obecné PokynyTipy pro údržbu Sejmìte nádobu, nalijte nápoj, ozdobte jej a podávejteKompatibilní Nádoby Údržba a Èištìní11. Ärge jätke toitejuhet rippuma üle laua või leti serva Tähtsad OhutusabinõudHoidke need Ohutusjuhised alles Ärge puudutage liikuvaid osi, eriti lõiketeriHoiatus Üldised JuhisedHoolusnõuanded Lisajuhised portsjonblenderi PBS jääanuma kohtaMahuti Ühilduvus Hooldus JA PuhastamineIzlasiet visas instrukcijas Svarîgi Droðîbas PasâkumiSaglabâjiet ðîs droðîbas Instrukcijas PBS Portion Blending SystemBrîdinâjums PamatinstrukcijasKopðanas padomi Nepiepildiet ledus trauku aukstâk par ledus trauka malâmVâciòð Kopðana UN TîrîðanaTrauka Savietojamîba Dzinçja korpuss/Vadîbas panelisNenaudokite lauke Svarbûs Saugumo NurodymaiIðsaugokite ðiuos saugumo Nurodymus Papildomi saugumo nurodymai Dalinei Maiðymo Sistemai DMSÁspëjimas Svarbios PastabosBendrieji Nurodymai Prieþiûros patarimaiTalpyklos Suderinamumas Prieþiûra IR ValymasObrażenia ciała Dodatkowe środki ostrożności podczasKorzystania z Systemu Miksowania Porcji ElektrykiemOgólnainstrukcjaobsługi Mycia go w zmywarce do naczyń Wyciągnij wtyczkę kabla zasilającego z gniazdkaPrzypadku modeli sterowanych elektronicznie Uważaj, aby nie Powierzchni obok noży zachowaj szczególną ostrożnośćĎalšie bezpečnostné opatrenia pre systém miešania Elektrického spotrebiča, vždy dodržiavajte tietoZákladné pokyny Porcie PBSĎalšie pokyny k nádobe na ľad systému miešania porcie PBS Všeobecné PokynyOdpojte napájací kábel Motorová základňa/ovládací panelKryt NádobaNE uporabljajte na prostem Pomembni Zašèitni UkrepiShranite ta varnostna Navodila Elektriko se posvetujte z elektrièarjemPomembne Opombe Splošna NavodilaNasveti za vzdrževanje OpozoriloZdružljivost Posode Vzdrževanje in ÈišèenjeÖnemlİ Önlemler Genel Talİmatlar Bakim VE Temİzlİk ΓΩΎΣ ˯Ύϴη ϭ ϢϜΤΘϟ ΔΣϮϟέϮΗϮϤϟ ΓΪϋΎϗ˯ΎϋϮϟ ΎϴόϴΒσ ήϣ άϫέϮΗϮϤϟ ΓΪϋΎϗ Ϧϣ ϡΪΨΘγϻ ϞΒϗήϳάΤΗ ςϠΨϟ ΔϴϠϤϋΕϼλϮϟ ήϳάΤΗ ϩάϫ Δϣϼδϟ ΕΎϤϴϠόΗ φϔΣΪϨϛ ϞΧΩ Elettriku ieħor, dejjem segwi dawn l-istruzzjonijiet BażiċiMiżuri Addizzjonali tas-Sigurtà għal Struzzjonijiet Ġenerali Kontenitur Machines Aqla l-wajer tad-dawlAttent/a meta timsaħ qrib ix-xafra tax-shaver Page Page Page 14. Внимание Ножовете са остри! Работете с тях внимателно Прочетете всички указанияДвижещите се части, особено с ножовете 10. Да НЕ се използва на откритоИзбягвайте да работите с уреда, ако купата е празна Пълнете съда за лед по-високо от ръбаНай-висока скорост при моделите с електронно управление Порционирането на ледаИзползвайте мека кърпа за почистване на зоната на панела за За да удължите срока на експлоатация на купата, Vita-Mix виДисплея в панела за управление Или повредите прозорчето наNU utilizaþi în exterior Mãsuri Importante DE PrecauþiePãstraþi aceste instrucþiuni De siguranþã Citiþi toate instrucþiunileDemontaþi vasul, turnaþi, decoraþi ºi serviþi bãutura Instrucþiuni GeneraleSfaturi de întreþinere AtenþieVasul Compatibilitatea VasuluiSuportul cu motor Tabloul de comandã CapaculPortion Blending SystemPBS $ bc DG3? Sr 0 ~Æ Vita-Mix$= ~ U # ¢ Vita-Mix £§ v õ83 Ëè í4v XP PBS Advance, Blending Station Advance Speed, Vita-Prep 3, Vita-Prep, Vita-Pro 9v XPดเจ็บได้ คำเตือนควรปิดเครื่องหรือถอด ปลั๊กไฟที องก่อนสัมผัองหยุดสนิทก่ บตำแหน่ห้ ม ถอดปลั๊กสายไฟำหรับรุ่นทีมี่ สวิตช์ เพื่อให้อายุการใช้งานของโถปั่นยาวนานทีสุด ห้ามล้ องล้างจานUS, Canada & Latin America Commercial Customer Service

101807 specifications

The Vita-Mix 101807 is a high-performance blender designed for both home and professional use, providing exceptional versatility in the kitchen. Known for its robust construction and innovative features, the 101807 model stands out as a favorite among chefs and cooking enthusiasts alike.

At the heart of the Vita-Mix 101807 is its powerful motor, equipped with a 2.2 peak horsepower capacity that can effortlessly blend a variety of ingredients. This substantial power allows for smooth blending of tougher items, such as frozen fruits and vegetables, nuts, and ice, making it an ideal choice for smoothies, soups, sauces, and even ice cream. Its efficient blending capabilities not only save time but also help to preserve the nutrient content of the ingredients.

One of the key technologies featured in the Vita-Mix 101807 is its variable speed control, which allows users to achieve the desired texture and consistency of their blends. This feature empowers home cooks and professionals to fine-tune the blending process for different recipes, whether they prefer a chunky salsa or a silky purée. The pulse feature adds an additional layer of control, enabling quick bursts of blending for more texture variation.

The design of the 101807 model includes a large, 64-ounce container, which is perfect for preparing larger batches. This container is constructed from durable, BPA-free plastic, ensuring that it can withstand frequent use while being safe for food consumption. The container also features measurement markings, making it easy to measure ingredients accurately.

Another notable characteristic of the Vita-Mix 101807 is its self-cleaning capability. With just a drop of dish soap and warm water, the blender can clean itself in under a minute, simplifying the post-cooking cleanup process and enhancing user convenience.

Overall, the Vita-Mix 101807 embodies a combination of power, versatility, and ease of use. With its advanced blending technologies and user-friendly features, it is a valuable addition to any kitchen, delivering exceptional performance that meets the needs of both casual cooks and culinary professionals. Whether making smoothies, soups, or nut butters, the Vita-Mix 101807 stands unrivaled in providing consistent, high-quality results.