Chapter 1 Overview
System Capacity
The CPS_TSP500 System uses telephony cards, supplied by NMS (Natural Micro Systems), for domestic and international configurations. There are sev- eral factors involved in determining a system’s capacity.
There are up to six cPCI slots available for configuring the CPS_TSP500 Sys- tem.
Type of Cards
Different combinations of telephony cards determine the TSP System’s capacity.
Ports on the Circuit Cards
The NMS T1/E1 Card provides eight or sixteen T1/E1 spans per card, so sys- tem capacity can vary greatly depending on the number of ports per card. The T1 configuration can have from 192 to 384 ports per card and the E1 configu- ration can have from 240 to 480 ports per card.
Ratio of Trunk and Station Ports
The TSP is configured to maintain close to a three to one (3:1) ratio between trunks and stations. Standard systems are configured with a (2:1) trunk to sta- tion ratio.
Each card requires one or more DC Voltages provided by the redundant power supplies. Various configurations are selected so that the total power on each output of the power supplies remains below the maximum output.
Slot Configuration
The system cards are installed in the cPCI slots. The T1 or E1 cards are installed in the first available slots starting from the bottom, above the CPU- Card.
The current maximum Agent configuration allows for 768 channels for dial- ing and 384 channels for agents for T1, (810 + 390 channels for E1).
Page | Version 4.0 | CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide |
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