Chapter 4 Features and Enhancements
Collect DTMF Digits - Feature
The capability to collect
To support the collecting of digits, a new Protocol C Message
M_COLL_DIGIT has been defined. The M_COLL_DIGIT message requires the number of digits to collect, and optionally the time to wait (in seconds) before digit collection expires and the terminating key to end digit collection. If a timeout value is not supplied, the timeout defaults to ten seconds. If a ter- minating key is not supplied, the key defaults to the pound key (#). Addition- ally, the M_COLL_DIGIT message permits the sending of a voice message to be played while collecting digits. The voice message in the “key” field descriptor and the “flag” field descriptor function the same as described in
When the request has been satisfied or the timer has expired, a route request (M_ROUTE_REQ) is sent to the Adjunct. This M_ROUTE_REQ message has been modified to send a new result code, SWR_COLL_DIGIT_DONE, indicating that digit collection completed. If digits have been collected, a new field descriptor “user data” is filled with the digits collected and sent to the Adjunct. The “user data” field descriptor is designated with the letter “u”.
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