Chapter 6 Trunk Spans and Dialing Rules
Building Dialing Rules Tutorial
The tsp.cnf file is accessible through the Configuration item in the TSP menu.
Selecting the DialingRules item invokes a “vi” edit of the tsp.cnf file.
•The Dialing Rules file contains lines of configuration information, with one item per line. A single line must not exceed 80 columns.
•Each line of configuration contains a keyword, followed by the data.
•Keywords must use exact spelling and upper case characters only.
•Lines beginning with the “!” (Exclamation Character) are ignored and assumed to be commented out. Also, any text following an “!” (Excla- mation Character) within the line is ignored and assumed to be com- mented out.
Key Words of Dialing Rules
The following keywords are shown with their default values. As with all key- words, it is not necessary to actually place these keywords in the Dialing Rules file. It is only necessary if you are modifying the default values:
Agents are “beeped” only for connected calls on Cam- paigns running “Answering Machine Detection”.
This keyword assigns the length (in milliseconds) of the Beep heard by agents when a call is connected to the agent. The default is 150 (150 milliseconds.
This keyword assigns the type of audio compression to use. There are two types of audio compression used on telephony networks
This keyword specifies (in 100 millisecond increments) the duration of silence that must occur after a beep on an Answering Machine is heard before the ENCORE Message should be played. The duration should be of adequate length to ensure that the beep heard is in fact the last beep (in the case of mul- tiple beeps). This analysis only takes place if an ENCORE message is to be played to Answering Machines detected on the specific Campaign. The default is two seconds (20 x 100 = 2000 milliseconds), and should not be changed unless advised to do so by Engineering.
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