Chapter 7 The TSP Configuration Tool
If you answered “y” to the question about overwriting the current configura- tion files, a backup copy of the current set of configuration files will be cre- ated. A directory is created containing the set of configuration files and is named “cfg_<index_number>_<date & timestamp>.dir”. For example, a valid backup copy name would be “cfg_3_110320031212.dir” which means that this backup copy has an index of 3 and was created November 3, 2003 at 12:12pm.
By answering “n” to that question, you are prompted to enter a name in which to store the configuration files about to be created due to initializing or editing the configuration. An extension of “.dir” will be added to the name you sup- ply, such as in the case above the directory name will be “friday.dir”.
Download Configuration
Once a set of configuration files has been saved permanently, then you may want to perform a download to ensure the files are valid. To perform the download, the TSP Application cannot be running. When this option is selected, the screen below is displayed.
While downloading, the lights on the NMS card will turn off then start blink- ing. If the span is connected to a valid T1 line, the lights may become solid.
Once the files have been downloaded, you are asked whether you would like to view the log file. It is important that you view this log file and ensure no errors occurred. Search for “err,” “ERR,” or “fail.” If errors have occurred, contact customer support or engineering because the system is not in a good state and cannot run.
Restore Configuration
There may be a time when you want to recover a set of configuration files for some reason. This may be due to a new set of configuration files not down- loading correctly or a previous system configuration is needed.
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