Chapter 3 Starting/Configuring TSP500
| Table | |
Option |
| Description |
Edit: |
| The Edit option will ask which span is being edited. |
| Enter the span number to be changed or "ALL" to |
| indicate the changes affect all spans. The next |
| screen displays the configuration items available |
| and the current definitions. If editing one span, the |
| current definitions apply to only that span. If editing |
| ALL spans, the definitions either apply to all spans |
| or the default value is being displayed. If the |
| default value is being displayed, at least one span |
| has a different value for this configuration item. |
| The default value is indicated by an asterisk (*) |
| before the definition name. Once a configuration |
| item is selected to be changed by either entering |
| the configuration item number or the name, another |
| screen is displayed listing the options available for |
| this configuration item or a prompt requesting the |
| text string be entered. By entering the number of |
| the option selected (or the name) or the text string |
| followed by the enter key will return you to the Con- |
| figuration item screen. Enter "q" at any time will |
| return you to the previous menu. Upon entering "q" |
| at the span prompt you will be prompted if you |
| would like to save any the changes made. Replay |
| "yes" or "no". |
View: |
| The View option allows you to view the current set- |
| tings for an individual span or all spans. If all spans |
| is selected you will be shown one screen for each |
| span and entering "q" at a prompt will return you to |
| the main menu. |
Help: |
| The Help option displays this user information from |
| his section file. |
Quit: |
| The Quit option exits you from the ISDN Configura- |
| tion tool. |
Editing the ISDN Configuration
To use the ISDN configuration tool you must first select the trunk spans that you want to configure. The example below used “ALL” as the range of trunks.
Figure 3-5. Selecting the ISDN Span to Configure.
CPSEE_TSP500 User Guide | Version 4.0 | Page |
This document is confidential and proprietary to SER Solutions and is not for external use. |