Chapter 6: Configuration
Because there is a risk of an LLDP frame being lost during transmission between neighbors, we recommend repeating the fast start transmission multiple times to increase the possibility of the neighbors receiving the LLDP frame. With fast start repeat count, you can specify the number of times the fast start transmission would be repeated. The recommended value is 4 times, given that 4 LLDP frames with a 1 second interval will be transmitted when an LLDP frame with new information is received.
Coordinates Location
Latitude: Latitude SHOULD be normalized to within
Longitude: Longitude SHOULD be normalized to within
Altitude: Altitude SHOULD be normalized to within
Meters: Representing meters of altitude defined by the vertical datum specified.
Floors: Representing altitude in a form more relevant in buildings that have different
Map Datum:
The Map Datum is used for the coordinates given in these options:
Meridian Name: Greenwich.
NAD83/NAVD88: North American Datum 1983, CRS Code 4269, Prime Meridian Name: Greenwich; The associated vertical datum is the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88). Use this datum pair when referencing locations on land, not near tidal water (which would use Datum = NAD83/MLLW).
NAD83/MLLW: North American Datum 1983, CRS Code 4269, Prime Meridian Name: Greenwich; The associated vertical datum is Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW). Use this datum pair when referencing locations on water/sea/ocean.
Civic Address Location
IETF Geopriv Civic Address based Location Configuration Information (Civic Address LCI).
Country code: The
State: National subdivisions (state, canton, region, province, prefecture).
County: County, parish, gun (Japan), and district.
City: City, township, shi
City district: City division, borough, city district, ward, chou (Japan).
Block (Neighborhood): Neighborhood, block.
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