Brocade Communications Systems
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Brocade Communications Systems
Brocade BigIron RX Series
206 pages
54 b
New default behavior
Configuring IP addresses
Setting up consoles
Command syntax
MRJ21 procedures
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21 November 2012
Brocade BigIron RX Series
Hardware Installation Guide
IronWare v02.9.00a
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Brocade BigIron RX Series
Title Publication number Summary of changes Date
Brocade Communications Systems, Incorporated
Brocade BigIron RX Series Hardware Installation Guide
Replacing a management module Removing a management module
Installing a new management module
Software images required
Power specifications
Hardware specifications
Physical dimensions
Safety agency approvals
Cable cinch overview
Korea Class a statement Russia Taiwan Bsmi Statement
Supported hardware and software
This chapter
Document conventions
Text formatting
Bold text
Trademark references
Getting technical help Document feedback
Related publications
Product overview
Product Overview
Hardware features
Hardware features
BigIron RX-8 chassis
BigIron RX-16 chassis
BigIron RX-4
BigIron RX-16
BigIron RX-8
Shows the management module’s front panel
Management modules
Console port
Pcmcia slots
10/100/1000 Ethernet port
Interface modules
Hardware features Management module LEDs
Port 10 Gigabit Ethernet module
Gigabit Ethernet ports
Hardware features Gigabit Ethernet module LEDs
Shows the 16-port 10 Gigabit Ethernet module’s front panel
Port 10 Gigabit Ethernet oversubscribed module
High speed fans requirements
Gigabit Ethernet interface module SFP
Hardware limitations
24-port 1 Gigabit Ethernet SFP module front panel
Gigabit Ethernet interface module RJ-45
Shows the 48-port GoC interface module’s front panel
Port 1 Gigabit Ethernet interface module Mini RJ 21 Copper
Switch fabric module
Shows the switch fabric module’s front panel
Power supplies
Fan component locations for the BigIron RX-4
Cooling system
Fan component locations for the BigIron RX-8
Rear fan component locations for the BigIron RX-16
Supported software features Fan control module LED
Supported software features
Rack mount kit
State Meaning
General precautions
Installation precautions
Installation precautions
Power precautions
Installation precautions
Preparing the installation site
Installing a BigIron RX-4 switch
Ensure that the proper cabling is installed in the site
Cabling infrastructure
Chassis lifting guidelines for BigIron RX-4 switches
Unpacking a BigIron RX-4 switch
Installing a BigIron RX-4 chassis in a rack
Installation location
Removing BigIron RX-4 extra shipment screws
Preparing to mount a BigIron RX-4 chassis in a rack
Mounting a BigIron RX-4 chassis in a rack
Positioning the screws in a rack
Removing the slot blanks
Installing BigIron RX-4 modules
BigIron RX-4 module Chassis slot number
Installing a module in a BigIron RX-4 chassis
Installing power supplies in a BigIron RX-4 chassis
Installing a power supply in a BigIron RX-4 chassis
Connecting AC power to a BigIron RX-4 chassis
Connecting DC power to a BigIron RX-4 chassis
Final steps
Follow the steps listed below to complete the installation
Unpacking a BigIron RX-8 switch
Installing a BigIron RX-8 switch
Installing a BigIron RX-8 switch
Installing the BigIron RX-8 chassis in a rack
Chassis lifting guidelines for BigIron RX-8 switches
Preparing to mount a BigIron RX-8 chassis in a rack
Removing BigIron RX-8 extra shipment screws
Mounting a BigIron RX-8 chassis in a rack
Mounting the BigIron RX-8 chassis in a rack
BigIron RX-8 module Chassis slot number
Installing BigIron RX-8 modules
Installing a module in a BigIron RX-8 chassis
Installing a power supply in a BigIron RX-8 chassis
Installing power supplies in the BigIron RX-8 chassis
Connecting AC power to a BigIron RX-8 chassis
BigIron RX-8 and BigIron RX-16 DC power supply
Connecting DC power to a BigIron RX-8 chassis
Unpacking a BigIron RX-16 switch
Installing a BigIron RX-16 switch
Installing a BigIron RX-16 switch
Chassis lifting guidelines for BigIron RX-16 switches
Preparing to mount a BigIron RX-16 chassis in a rack
Installing a BigIron RX-16 chassis in a rack
Attaching mounting brackets to a BigIron RX-16 chassis
Mounting a BigIron RX-16 chassis in a rack
Removing the slot blanks
Large flat-head screwdriver
Installing BigIron RX-16 modules
BigIron RX-16 module Chassis slot number
Installing a module in a BigIron RX-16 chassis
Populating a BigIron RX-16 chassis
Installing power supplies in a BigIron RX-16 chassis
Rules for populating a BigIron RX-16 chassis
Installing a power supply in a BigIron RX-16 chassis
Connecting AC power to a BigIron RX-16 chassis
Connecting DC power to a BigIron RX-16 chassis
Final steps
Attaching a management station
Attaching a management station
Attaching the management module’s Ethernet Port to a network
Powering-on the power source
Observing the LEDs
Verifying proper operation
Installing BigIron RX-4
Enter the show chassis
Desired state Meaning Abnormal Meaning or action State
Switch fabric module
Power supplies DC
Displaying the module status
Replacing a power supply
Syntax show module
Verifying proper operation
Syntax enable password password
Assigning passwords
To assign a password for a user account
Syntax username name password Enter
Password history
Login lockout
Setting passwords to expire
Syntax username name enable Enter
Enter the following command to set the super-user password
Assigning passwords For example
Passwords can be up to 48 characters long
Configuring IP addresses
Support of sub-net masks
Interface Associated physical port Out of band or Band
Assigning an IP address to a management interface
Configuring IP addresses
Enabling and disabling the interfaces
Syntax enable
Connecting a BigIron RX Series switch
Syntax disable
Understanding how the management port functions
Connecting a BigIron RX Series switch
Installing a fiber optic module
Cabling a fiber optic module
Syntax no optical-monitor alarm-interval
Enhanced Digital Optical Monitoring
Syntax show optic slot
Cleaning fiber optic modules
Troubleshooting network connections
Testing network connectivity
Testing network connectivity
Pinging an IP address
Tracing a route
Configuration notes
Using virtual cable testing to diagnose a cable
Command syntax
Viewing the results of the cable analysis
This line Displays
Managing the BigIron RX Series chassis
Displaying chassis status and temperature readings
This field Displays Powers
Chassis status and temperature information
Managing the BigIron RX Series chassis
Display shows the following information
This field Displays
Temperature Readings
Misc Info
Syntax clear logging dynamic-buffer static-buffer
Static and dynamic buffers
Changing temperature thresholds for modules and fan speeds
Configuring the cooling system
Managing the cooling system
Interface modules
Management module CPU on active and standby modules
Managing the cooling system
Displaying temperature thresholds for modules and fan speeds
Changing the temperature polling interval
Manually setting the fan speed
Monitoring the cooling system
Displaying fan tray status and speed
Managing the interface modules
Displaying temperature warnings
Managing the interface modules
Syntax show log
Configuring interface module boot parameters
Syntax lp sync all slot-number
Specifying an immediate synchronization
Changing the boot source
Specifying an immediate boot
Syntax lp boot system slot1 slot2 filename slot-number
Syntax lp boot system mp primary secondary slot-number
Specifying an immediate boot from a Tftp server
Syntax lp boot system flash primary secondary slot-number
Configuring an automatic boot
Specifying an immediate interactive boot
Syntax lp boot system interactive slot-number
Syntax lp boot system slot1 slot2 filename all slot-number
Configuring an automatic interactive boot
Configuring an automatic boot from a Tftp server
Syntax lp boot system interactive all slot-number
Syntax power-off lp slot-number
Disabling and reenabling power to the interface modules
Syntax power-on lp slot-number
Changing priority of chassis slots for interface modules
Syntax power-off snm number
Disabling and reenabling power to the switch fabric modules
Syntax power-on snm number
Syntax cpu-usage off
Displaying management module CPU usage
Removing MAC address entries
Replacing a management module
Maintaining a BigIron RX Series Switch
Removing a management module
Installing a new management module
Replacing an interface module
Modification to show chassis command outputs
Replacing an interface module
Removing an interface module
Installing a new interface module
Replacing an interface module For example
Exit config mode and reboot the module
Installing a module in a BigIron RX-8 chassis
Removing a switch fabric module
Replacing a switch fabric module
Replacing a switch fabric module
Replacing a fiber-optic transceiver
Installing a new switch fabric module
Removing a fiber-optic transceiver
Installing a new fiber-optic transceiver
Replacing a fiber-optic transceiver
Determining which power supply failed
Replacing a power supply
Cabling a fiber-optic transceiver
Replacing a power supply
Replacing a power supply
Replacing fan assemblies in the BigIron RX-16
Replacing cooling system components
Replacing the rear fan assemblies in the BigIron RX-16
Removing a BigIron RX-16 rear fan assembly
Replacing cooling system components
Replacing the front fan assembly in the BigIron RX-16
Removing a BigIron RX-16 front fan assembly
Removing a fan from a BigIron RX-4 switch
Replacing the air filter in the BigIron RX-8
Replacing the air filters in a BigIron RX Series switch
Air filter removal and replacement for BigIron RX-8
Software image files
Software images required
Module Image type Image name
IronWare image
Boot image
Monitor image
Software images are described in the following
Software image naming conventions
Startup configuration file
Fpga image
Software image naming conventions
Displaying flash information
Displaying flash memory and version information
Release types
Release number
Boot-Monitor Image
Boot Flash Type AM29LV040B, Size 512 KB Boot-Monitor Image
Code flash and boot flash information
This field Displays
Displaying version information
FE 1 Type fe200 Version FE 2 Type fe200 FE 3 Type fe200
Changes to software images starting with version
Upgrading the BigIron RX Series software
Upgrading the BigIron RX Series software
Syntax show version
For interface modules running versions earlier than
Separation of boot and monitor images
New default behavior
Command change
New options added
Using unified software images to upgrade images
Device Image name Example
Unified software image upgrade to upgrade release 02.2.01 to
Upgrading software releases prior to release
Upgrading images independently
Upgrading images independently Image name
Upgrading the management module monitor and boot images
Basic tasks in the software upgrade process
Command syntax Description
Upgrading images independently
Upgrading the IronWare image on a management module
Upgrading the monitor and boot images on interface modules
Copy tftp lp ip-addr image-name mon all
Upgrading the interface module’s IronWare image
Boot system flash primary secondary
Rebooting the management module
Upgrading the Mbridge Fpga on the management module
Overview of tasks in the Fpga image upgrade process
Determining the Mbridge image versions
Upgrading the Mbridge Fpga image
Hitless Layer 2 OS upgrade
Show version
Check for the Mbridge image version numbers in the output
Considerations when using the feature
Hitless OS software process
Provides a detailed diagram of the Hitless reload process
Performing a hitless OS software upgrade
Loading the Multi-Service IronWare software onto the router
Loading and saving configuration files
Setting up consoles
Executing the hitless upgrade command
Syntax no logging enable config-changed
Logging changes to the startup-config file
Enter y, and press the Enter key
Making local copies of the startup configuration file
Copying a configuration file to or from a Tftp server
Preparing the configuration file
Dynamic configuration loading
Dynamic configuration loading
Usage considerations
CLI responds like this
Using Snmp to save and load configuration information
Using Snmp to save and load configuration information
Snmp-server community string ro rw
File synchronization
Erasing image and configuration files
Synchronizing files without comparison
Comparing and synchronizing files
Syntax sync-standby
Syntax force-sync-standby
File synchronization
Scheduling a system reload
Scheduling a system reload
Reloading at a specific time
Canceling a scheduled reload
Reloading after a specific amount of time
Syntax reload at hhmmss mm-dd-yy primary secondary
Error Message Explanation and action Code
Diagnostic error codes and remedies for Tftp transfers
Power specifications
Hardware specifications
Maximum power calculations @ 200 VAC
BigIron RX Series Current Amps Watts BTU per hour Chassis
BigIron RX Series Amps Watts BTUs per hour Chassis
Component Maximum power consumption, in Watts
Safety agency approvals
Physical dimensions
Operating environment
Storage environment
Port specifications
Port specifications
Electromagnetic approvals
Console port pin assignments
Pin number MDI-X ports
Management port pin assignments
Port specifications
Europe and Australia
Industry Canada statement
English translation of above statement
Japan Power Cord
Japan Power Cord
Bsmi Statement
Taiwan a
Chassis adjacent to the ground symbol
VW-1, and rated minimum 90 degrees Celcius
All data stored on the card
Nicht behindert wird
Never leave tools inside the chassis
Entfernt werden
Gefahr Peligro
Handhaben Oder Montieren Dieser Geräte Sind Mindestens Zwei
RFC support
Ieee compliance
General protocols
IP Multicast
Internet drafts
Cable cinch overview
Using Brocade Structured Cabling Components
MRJ21 procedures
MRJ21 procedures
Cable cinch with two mRJ21 cables
Cable cinch with four mRJ21 cables
Cable cinch with three mRJ21 cables
Cable cinch with five mRJ21 cables
Cable cinch with seven mRJ21 cables
Cable cinch with six mRJ21 cables
Six mRJ21 cables may be secured as shown in Figure
Seven mRJ21 cables may be secured as shown in Figure
RJ45 procedures
RJ45 procedures
Cable cinch with eight mRJ21 cables
Eight mRJ21 cables may be secured as shown in Figure
Cable cinch with two groups of RJ45 cables
Cable cinch with one group of RJ45 cables
Cable cinch with four groups of RJ45 cables
Cable cinch with three groups of RJ45 cables
Cable cinch with six groups of RJ45 cables
Cable cinch with five groups of RJ45 cables
Cable cinch with eight groups of RJ45 cables
Cable cinch with seven groups of RJ45 cables
RJ45 procedures