6 Software images required
<xxxxx> is a variable that refers to the
This section describes each of the software images required to operate a BigIron RX Series switch as described in Table 22. Also, Figure 47 illustrates how each of the files are stored on the management and interface modules.
FIGURE 47 Management and interface modules flash images
Management Module Flash Memory
Interface Module Flash Memory
Code Flash
Primary Ironware Image: rmpr<xxxxx> rIp <xxxxx>
Secondary Ironware Image: rmpr<xxxxx> rIp <xxxxx>
Monitor Image:
rmb <xxxxx> rIb <xxxxx>
Boot Flash
Boot Image:
rmb <xxxxx> rIb <xxxxx>
FPGA Image:
| Code Flash |
| Boot Flash |
| |
| Primary Ironware Image: |
| Boot Image: |
| rIp <xxxxx> |
| rIb <xxxxx> |
| Secondary Ironware Image: |
| rIp <xxxxx> |
| Monitor Image: |
| rIb <xxxxx> |
The software images are described in the following:
IronWare image
An IronWare image, also known as the software image, contains the application software, the network protocols and features that define the characteristics of the device. IronWare images can be loaded in the Primary or Secondary location of Code Flash on the modules. IronWare images are named as described in Table 22. There is one IronWare image for the management module and another for the interface module.
The IronWare image for interface modules is loaded on both the interface and managment modules. The reason for this redundancy is to verify that the same image is loaded on all the interface modules. The management module does not run the interface module code, it only compares the code with the code on the other interface modules. If the code is not the same, the files are synchronized and updated to match the interface code on the management module.
Monitor image
A Monitor image, also known as the real time operating system, allows hardware to run multiple, parallel, distributed functions. The Monitor Image delegates
Boot image
The Boot image, which is packaged with the Monitor image, contains initialization instructions for the hardware startup. Boot images are named as described in Table 22.
122 | Brocade BigIron RX Series Hardware Installation Guide |