•Download the desired Operating System software update file from the Cisco website to the default directory on your TFTP server.
-The Operating System code update file is named AS_2000_3_0_x_x for Cisco 2000 Series Wireless LAN Controllers, or AS_4100_3_0_x_x for Cisco 4100 Series Wireless LAN Controllers, or AS_4400_3_0_x_x for Cisco 4400 Series Wireless LAN Controllers. Note that the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller can be updated or reverted between the 2.2 and 3.0 OS releases.
•Refer to the Using the Cisco WLAN Solution CLI section to connect and use the CLI.
•In the CLI, use the ping <IP Address> command to ensure the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller can contact the TFTP server.
•In the CLI, use the transfer download start command, and answer ‘n’ to the prompt, to view the current download settings:
>transfer download start
Mode | TFTP |
Data Type | Code |
TFTP Server IP | xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx |
TFTP Path | <directory path> |
TFTP Filename | AS_2000_3_0_x_x.aes | |
| AS_4100_3_0_x_x.aes | |
| AS_4400_3_0_x_x.aes |
Are you sure you want to start? (y/n) n
Transfer Canceled
•To change the download settings, use the following:
>transfer download mode tftp
>transfer download datatype code
>transfer download serverip <TFTP server IP address>
>transfer download filename AS_2000_<release_number>.aes or AS_4100_<release_number>.aes or AS_4400_<release_number>.aes
>transfer download path <absolute TFTP server path to the update file>
Note: All TFTP servers require the full pathname. For example in Windows,
•In the CLI, use the transfer download start command to view the updated settings, and answer ‘y’ to the prompt to confirm the current download settings and start the Operating System code download:
>transfer download start
Mode | TFTP |
Data Type | Code |
TFTP Server IP | xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx |
TFTP Path | <directory path> |
TFTP Filename | AS_2000_3_0_x_x.aes | |
| AS_4100_3_0_x_x.aes | |
| AS_4400_3_0_x_x.aes |
Are you sure you want to start? (y/n) y
TFTP Code transfer starting.
5/26/05 | Updating the Operating System Software |