Reinitializing the Windows Cisco WCS Database
You only have to reinitialize the Windows Cisco WCS database when the Cisco WCS database becomes corrupted.
CAUTION: If you reinitialize the Cisco WCS database after you have been working in the Cisco WCS application, you will delete all your saved Cisco WCS data!
•Navigate to the \WCS30 directory.
•Navigate to the \bin subdirectory.
•In the \bin subdirectory,
The database reinitialize script displays the startdb.bat DOS window.
•Select the startdb.bat window, and press any key to continue.
The startdb.bat script displays the Reinitialize Web NMS Database window.
•In response to the Do you want to Reinitialize Web NMS? prompt in the Reinitialize Web NMS Database window, select Yes.
The startdb.bat window displays many “accomplished” messages. When the Cisco WCS database is reinitialized, the Reinitialize Web NMS Database window reappears.
•In response to the Successfully reinitialized the Database prompt in the Reinitialize Web NMS Database window, select OK.
The Reinitialize Web NMS Database window closes, and the startdb.bat window displays a
Press any key to continue prompt.
•In the startdb.bat window, press any key. The startdb.bat window closes.
You have reinitialized the Cisco WCS database. Continue with Using the Cisco Wireless Control System.
Reinitializing the Linux Cisco WCS Database
You only have to reinitialize the Linux Cisco WCS database when the Cisco WCS database becomes corrupted.
CAUTION: If you reinitialize the Cisco WCS database after you have been working in the Cisco WCS application, you will delete all your saved Cisco WCS data!
•If not already done, log in as root.
•Using the Linux command line interface, navigate to the default /opt/WCS30/ directory (or the directory chosen during installation).
•Enter ./reinitDatabase.sh to reinitialize the Cisco WCS database.
You have reinitialized the Cisco WCS database. Continue with Using the Cisco Wireless Control System.
5/26/05 | Reinitializing the Windows Cisco WCS Database |