Rebooting the Location Appliance
At any time, you can reboot the Cisco 2700 Series Location Appliance (location appliance):
1.In the Cisco WCS interface, select LOCATE to display the All Location Appliances page.
2.Click the desired Server Name to have Cisco WCS display the Location Appliance > General Properties > <LocAppliance Name> page.
3.In the Location Appliance > General Properties > <LocAppliance Name> left navigation bar, click Advanced Parameters to have Cisco WCS display the Location Appliance > Advanced Parameters > <LocAppliance Name> page.
4.In the Location Appliance > Advanced Parameters > <LocAppliance Name> page, select Reboot Hardware.
5.Click OK to reboot the location appliance. The reboot takes a few minutes to complete.
From the Location Appliance > Advanced Parameters > <LocAppliance Name> page, you can also change other parameters as described in Editing Location Appliance Advanced Parameters. Otherwise, continue with Configuring Location Appliances or Operating the Location Appliances.
5/26/05 | Operating the Location Appliances |