Chapter 18 DLPs F300 to F399
DLP- F324 Provision ASAP Ethernet Ports
•Password—Enter the password for the user ID.
•Upload Package—Check this box to send the software package file to the node. If unchecked, the software stored on the node is not modified.
•Force Upload—Check this box to send the software package file to the node even if the node is running the same software version. If unchecked, reinitialization will not send the software package if the node is already running the same version.
•Activate/Revert—Check this box to activate the uploaded software (if the software is a later than the installed version) or revert to the uploaded software (if the software is earlier than the installed version) as soon as the software file is uploaded. If unchecked, the software is not activated or reverted after the upload, allowing you to initiate the functions later from the node view Maintenance > Software tabs.
•Re-init Database—Check this box to send a new database to the node. (This is equivalent to the CTC database restore operation.) If unchecked, the node database is not modified.
•Confirm—Check this box if you want a warning message displayed before any operation is performed. If unchecked, reinitialization does not display a warning message.
•Search Path—Enter the path to the CISCO15600SDH folder on the CD drive.
Step 5 Click Go.
Caution Before continuing with the next step, verify that the database to upload is correct. You cannot reverse the upload process after you click Yes.
Step 6 Review the information on the Confirm NE Re-Initialization dialog box, then click Yes to start the reinitialization.
The reinitialization begins. After the software is downloaded and activated, and the database is uploaded to the TSC cards, “Complete” appears in the status bar and the TSC cards will reboot. Wait a few minutes for the reboot to complete.
Step 7 After the reboot is complete, log into the node using the “DLP-F181 Log into CTC” task on page 16-34. Step 8 Complete the “NTP-F133 Set Up Date, Time, and Contact Information” procedure on page 4-4.
Step 9 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-F324 Provision ASAP Ethernet Ports
Purpose | This task provisions ASAP Ethernet ports to carry traffic. |
Tools/Equipment | None |
Prerequisite Procedures | |
Required/As Needed | As needed |
Onsite/Remote | Onsite or remote |
Security Level | Provisioning or higher |
Step 1 In the node view, double-click the ASAP card graphic to open the card.
| | | Step 2 | Click the Provisioning > Ethernet > Ports tabs. |
| | | Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Procedure Guide, R8.0 |
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| 18-22 | | | October 2007 | |
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