Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Procedure Guide, R8.0
October 2007
Chapter18 DLPs F300 to F399
DLP- F379 Export CTC Data
NSAP/NET—The Network Service Access Point or Network Element Title of the originating NE.
Type—Indicates how the TDC entry was created:
Dynamic—The entry was created through the TARP propagation process.
Static—The entry was manually created and is a static entry.
Step3 If you want to query the network for an NSAP that matches a TID, complete the following steps.
Otherwise, continue with Step 4.
Note The TID to NSAP function is not available if the TDC is not enabled on the Provisioning > OSI
> TARP subtab.
a. Click the TID to NSAP button.
b. In the TID to NSAP dialog box, enter the TID you want to map to an NSAP.
c. Click OK, then click OK on the information message.
d. On the TDC tab, click Refresh.
If TARP finds the TID in its TDC it returns the matching NSAP. If not, TARP sends PDUs across
the network. Replies will return to the TDC later, and a check TDC later message is displayed.
Step4 If you want to delete all the dynamically generated TDC entries, click the Flush Dynamic Entries
button. If not, continue with Step5.
Step5 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).
DLP-F379 Export CTC Data
Step1 Click the CTC tab containing the information you want to export (for example, the Alarms or Circuits
Step2 If you want to export detailed circuit information, complete the following:
a. In the Circuits window, choose a circuit and click Edit to open it in the Edit Circuits window.
b. In the Edit Circuits window, choose the desired tab: Drops, SNCP Selectors, SNCP Switch Counts,
State, or Merge.
Note Depending upon your configuration, you may or may not see all of the above tabs when you
click Edit.
Purpose This task exports CTC table data for use by other applications such as
spreadsheets, word processors, and database management applications. You
can also export data from the Edit Circuits window.
Equipment/Tools None
Prerequisite Procedures DLP-F181 Log into CTC, page 16-34
Required/As Needed As needed
Onsite/Remote Onsite or remote
Security Level Retrieve or higher