Error Code | Error Text | Description | Recommended Action |
0x00030007 | The volume | Error: The volume manager | Restart FMA services or |
| manager process | process was started but then | reboot the server. Set |
| was started, but | stopped immediately. This can | management status for needed |
| failed. | occur during FMA startup or | volumes. The FMA installation |
| HsmSvc service startup. | can be corrupt. Try to reinstall |
| FMA. Contact HP Support if |
| the problem persists. |
0x00030008 | The volume cannot | Error: FMA can only manage a | Some volumes must be |
| be managed, | maximum of 80 volumes. This | removed from management or |
| maximum number | occurs if a user tries to add | moved to another server. |
| of managed | more than 80 volumes to FMA |
| volumes reached | management. |
0x00040001 | Target file cannot | Error: The file in the Archive | Check that the file exists or |
| be opened | Storage System cannot be | that you have the proper access |
| opened. This error is produced | rights. |
| by the FmaFileUtil application |
| if it cannot open the file. |
0x00040006 | Invalid access | Error: An Archive Storage | Contact HP Support. |
| mode | System open request of an |
| unrecognized type occurred. |
| This error is produced by the |
| FmaFileUtil application if it |
| tries to open the file and it does |
| not use read or write mode. |
0x00040007 | Shadow device | Error: An Archive Storage | Contact HP Support. |
| cannot be opened | System open request using the |
| shadow device mode failed. |
| This error is produced by the |
| FmaFileUtil application if it |
| tries to open the file using the |
| shadow device option. |
0x00040008 | Wrong number of | Error: An Archive Storage | Contact HP Support. |
| bytes read | System read request returned |
| the wrong number of bytes. |
| This error is produced by the |
| FmaFileUtil application if it |
| tries to read data and gets too |
| many or too few bytes. |