Error Code | Error Text | Description | Recommended Action |
0x00010201 | Stub file is not | Error: A stub file contained | The file may need to be |
| empty. | data.This occurs during recall | restored from the disaster |
| or a deliberate verify operation | recovery archive. Investigate |
| and file is offline but contains | third party applications that |
| data. | might modify stub file |
| contents. |
0x00010203 | Metadata | Warning: The file generation | The file is damaged and may |
| incomplete. | information of the metadata | need to be recovered from the |
| could not be read. This occurs | disaster recovery archive. |
| during a release, recall, or | Contact HP Support. |
| deliberate verify operation on a |
| managed file. |
0x00010204 | Stubfile is | Warning: A stub file's | See verify on page 114 and |
| modified. | generation file size does not | error code 0x00010164. |
| match the OS file size of the | Consider use of |
| stub. This occurs during a | parameter to resolve the issue. |
| release, recall, or deliberate |
| verify operation on a managed |
| file. |
0x00010207 | Offline attribute | Informational: The offline | See the verify command. |
| missing. | attribute is clear but the FMA | Consider use of |
| metadata indicates that the file | parameter to resolve the issue. |
| is offline. The offline attribute |
| can be easily and accidentally |
| toggled by many third party |
| applications. This occurs |
| during a release, recall, or |
| deliberate verify operation on a |
| managed file. |
0x00010208 | Offline attribute | Informational: The offline | See the verify command on |
| invalid. | attribute is set but the FMA | page 114. Consider use of |
| metadata indicates that the file | repair” parameter to resolve |
| is online. The offline attribute | the issue. |
| can be easily and accidentally |
| toggled by many third party |
| applications. This occurs |
| during a release, recall, or |
| deliberate verify operation on a |
| managed file. |
0x00010301 | HsmSvc subsystem | Error: Internal FMA | Attempt to restart all FMA |
| is not available | component communications | services or reboot the server. If |
| was not functioning correctly. | the error persists, contact HP |
| This can occur during normal | Support. |
| operations. |