The Ignore system name option removes the file server system name when creating the archive storage path. Similarly, Ignoring volume serial removes the volume serial number of the managed volume on the serial path.
Viewing archives
You can view a list of archives and information about each archive.
To view the list of archives
1.Launch the FMA user interface by selecting All Programs→HP StorageWorks File Migration Agent→FMA Configuration from the Windows Start menu.
2.In the left pane, select Archives.
In the right pane, the following information is displayed about each archive:
•Archive Name—The name of the archive, which identifies this archive for migration and recall operations.
•Archive ID—The unique, internal reference number for the archive, which is generated automatically and cannot be modified.
•Archive type—The type of archive:
•RSA-CIFS for Windows-based archives
•RSA-FTP for Linux-based archives
•RSA module—The module required for FMA to communicate with the archive.
•Performance Index—The order in which FMA recalls files from this archive. The range is 0-100, and the default is 100. If a file is stored on multiple archives, FMA attempts to recall it from the archive with the smallest index number first.
•Description—A description of the archive.
•Configuration—The primary and secondary hosts
•State—Whether the archive is accessible