Error Code | Error Text | Description | Recommended Action |
0x00010302 | Configuration is | Error: The install path defined | Check the FMA installation |
| invalid. | in the FMA registry did not | directory. Reinstallation can be |
| resolve to FMA binary or | necessary if the path is corrupt. |
| logging directories. This |
| occurs when FMA tries to |
| obtain the installation |
| directory. |
0x00010303 | Volume serial not | Warning: Two or more disk | Volumes with duplicate serial |
| unique. | volumes attached to the system | numbers cannot be managed. |
| have the same volume serial |
| number. This occurs during |
| startup when a volume |
| inventory is taken. This can |
| happen if a snapshot of a |
| managed volume is mounted. |
0x00010304 | Volume is not | Error: The volume on which | The volume must be added to |
| managed. | the file resides was not | FMA management. See |
| managed. This condition is | Managed Volumes on page 45. |
| checked prior to all FMA file |
| operations. |
0x00010305 | Volume status is | Error: The current volume | If action was accidental, no |
| invalid for this | operational status for this | action is needed for resolution. |
| operation status | operation is invalid. This error | If the volume status indication |
| usually results when the user | does not appear to be correct, |
| tries to start FMA volume | refresh the configuration |
| management when it is already | screen or restart all FMA |
| started, or when the user tries | services. |
| to stop an already stopped |
| volume. |
0x00010306 | Volume ID does | Error: The volume referenced | Retry the operation. It is likely |
| not match for file | by a file in a list of files | that the file was moved to |
| list | targeted for FMA processing | another volume after it was |
| does not match the managed | placed on the processing list |
| volume. This can occur when a | but before it was actually |
| list of files is submitted to the | processed. |
| volume manager for |
| processing. Typically, the list |
| comes from a fmacli |
| command or the AFM policy |
| service. |