Excluding files from release based on disk space
Use the following steps to specify a list of files that FMA must not release, regardless of whether they meet the criteria in the disk space policies.
Note Excluded files are also excluded from statistical summaries.
To exclude files from release based on disk space
1.In the left pane of the FMA user interface, select Managed Volumes.
2.In the right pane,
3.In the Disk Space Policy area, click the Exclusion tab.
By default the Exclusions list contains \HSM Volume Information and \System Volume Information.
4.Click and then enter the absolute path to the folder or file you want to exclude from the release process. Do not enter the mount point (drive letter, such as “D:”) or the mount path if the volume is mounted to another volume’s directory (“D:\MountPoint”). The path should begin with “\”.
You can use the asterisk (*) wildcard to specify any number of characters of any value or the question mark (?) wildcard to specify exactly one character of any value.
Repeat this step for each folder or file you want to exclude.
5.Click Save.
50 Managed Volumes