Tracing Archive Files
•Enter the following to retrieve the storage descriptors: fmacli info
The following example shows the output from this command:
Gather the following file location information:
•Archive ID
•On the FMA user interface, look up the RSA configuration and determine the URI.
•For CIFS, the URI is the primary archive + storage_handle_descr, for example: \\NAS\arc2\W2K3EE64BIT\9C162104\openbooks\uml_tutorial.pdf
•For FTP, the URI is Host/IP + ftp_server_RootDirectory +
ftp: //FSE/ftp_server_RootDirectory/fs1/openbooks/uml_tutorial.pdf where ftp_server_RootDirectory is the home directory for the ftp user fma.
If the “Duplicate Serial Number” error message is displayed
A snapshot of a managed volume has been mounted on the system. This is not supported by FMA.
If offline files are not accessible (ACCESS_DENIED)
•Verify that Hsmfilter is running. If it is not, enter fltmc load hsmfilter and start the FMA services.
•Check whether the file is inactive.
•Enter the following to determine the file status: fmacli info filename
•Enter the following to activate the file: fmacli act filename
•Check whether the filter recall timeout has been exceeded. Access the file again and then increase the filter timeout (HsmfsTimeout) in the registry.
•Check whether the archive read timeout has been exceeded. Increase the archive read timeout (ArchiveTimeout) in the registry.
•Check NTFS security.
130 Troubleshooting