FMA RSA-FTP Configuration dialog
For archiving data directly to c:\fsefs1, the root path of the FMA
Verification of the GDS
After the FTP server side has been tested successfully, the next step is to attach FMA as an FTP client to the new archive storage location. For this, the following actions are necessary:
1.Start FMA MMC
2.Select the Archives item.
3.Start the context menu and select the item New. A new dialog is displayed.
4.Enter the name for the new archive. The archive name must be unique.
6.Enter the performance index. Typically, smaller the index, the higher the priority.
7.Enter an archive description.
8.Click OK. A new dialog is displayed.
9.Enter the following settings corresponding to the requirements:
•Host or IP address (primary and secondary host)
•Port (default: 21)
62 Best Practices