Policy and Rule Descriptions
Policies Set in WebQoS
function clockTick()
now = (new Date()).getTime();
remaining = Math.max(Math.round((finalTime - now) / 1000),0);
minutes = Math.floor(remaining / 60); seconds = remaining % 60;
if(seconds<10) secondString = "0" + seconds; else secondString = "" + seconds;
document.clock_form.clock.value = " "+ minutes + ":" + secondString;
if(remaining > 0) setTimeout("clockTick()", 1000); else dialog();
finalTime = (new Date()).getTime() + (TOTALSECKEY * 1000); clockTick();
//End of clock
<P> Why not
<a href="DEFERURLKEY" target=_blank><i> view coupons</i></a> while you wait? </P>
Your Defer page can also include a popup window that prompts the user to enter the site after the defer timer has expired (see Figure
Appendix A | 165 |