Configuring HP WebQoS
Configuring WebQoS from the Management User Interface
statistics log file in /var/opt/webqos/logs for each of the enabled sites. The statistics file is created daily until you disable site statistics logging in the management user interface. The file name is <sitename>.stat. The site name is the one entered in the management user interface. At midnight, the file is moved to <sitename>.stat.<previousdate>
The SCA writes new statistics to the log file every 15 seconds (the default) for each of the enabled sites. Because the SCA logging interval is the same as the measurement interval, there are no minimum and maximum values. You can specify the interval at which the statistics are generated by editing the MeasurementInterval parameter in the /etc/opt/webqos/qos.conf file. For more information on WebQos tunable parameters, see “Modifying WebQoS Global Configuration”.
To enable site statistics logging, follow these steps:
1.Select Enable/Disable Site Statistics Logging from the Edit Site Configuration Advanced dialog box.
Figure 3-31 Site Statistics Logging Dialog Box
2.Click in the box Check to enable site logging and Click [OK]. The following statistics are logged in the site statistics file.
Response High
Response Medium
Response Low
Admissions High
Admissions Medium
Admissions Low
Deferrals High
Deferrals Medium
Deferrals Low
Redirections High
Redirections Medium
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