Configuring HP WebQoS
Configuring WebQoS from the Management User Interface
logging, or configure service level objectives, go to the next sections. Otherwise click [OK].
To Configure Service Statistics Logging
By default, service statistics logging is disabled.
If you enable Service Statistics Logging in the management user interface, WebQoS will log statistics to a service statistics log file in /var/opt/webqos/logs for each of the enabled services. The statistics file is created daily until you disable Service Statistics Logging in the management user interface. The file name is <servicename>.stat. The service name is the one entered in the management user interface. At midnight, the file is moved to <servicename>.stat.<previousdate>.
You can specify the interval at which the SCO generates the service statistics by editing the SCOLogInterval parameter in the /etc/opt/webqos/qos.conf file. The minimum value is 5 minutes; the maximum value is 30 minutes. The default value is 5 minutes. For more information on the SCOLogInterval parameter, see “Modifying WebQoS Global Configuration” on page 27.
To enable service statistics logging, do the following:
1.From the Add Service Configuration window, select the
Statistics tab.
Chapter 3 | 47 |