HP WebQoS Software manual Role and Benefits of HP WebQoS

Models: WebQoS Software

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Understanding HP WebQoS

The Role and Benefits of HP WebQoS

The Role and Benefits of HP WebQoS

HP WebQoS is an enhancement to the HP-UX operating environment that stabilizes, optimizes, and prioritizes Internet-related applications and transactions that run on HP 9000 Enterprise servers. HP WebQoS works with web-enabled applications built on top of the iPlanet Web

Server1 version 4.1 or the Zeus Web Server2 version 3.3.6.

HP WebQoS enables you to use your resources efficiently to deliver predictable and differentiated service levels for your web-based applications, based on the type of customer or transaction. It allows you to determine these service levels based on business policies.

Although the Internet represents significant opportunities for expanding your business, the following risks may hamper your ability to deliver web-based services to customers and partners reliably:

Unpredictable and possibly fluctuating demand for services.

Because the Internet offers instantaneous access to your site, promotional, seasonal, or current events may instigate sudden and immediate interest in your services. Although the additional interest and business may be welcome, your server may not be able to handle the load if significant numbers of clients come all at one time. Or if you are a service provider hosting multiple sites on one server, you should make sure that the demands of one site do not restrict use by other sites on the same server.

Heavier than expected system processing per user request.

The actual workloads exhibited by each visitor to your site may not align with the workload models you generated during the capacity planning stage. Perhaps users are performing far more searches than you anticipated or are spending a lot more time performing compute intensive operations while at your site.

All requests are treated the same.

During overload conditions, all user requests and all transactions are impacted. Even your most important customers who are trying to access their accounts to make purchases, or sales representatives who

1.The iPlanet Web Server is a product of Sun Microsystems, Inc.

2.The Zeus WebServer is a product of Zeus Technology.


Chapter 1

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HP WebQoS Software manual Role and Benefits of HP WebQoS