Configuring HP WebQoS
Modifying Configuration Files Before Start-Up
Modifying Configuration Files Before Start-Up
The following files can be modified from the command line before starting WebQoS:
•/etc/opt/webqos/net_tos.conf (See “Enabling Network Type of Service” below.
•/etc/opt/webqos/qos.conf (See “Modifying WebQoS Global Configuration” on page 27.)
Enabling Network Type of Service
Enabling network type of service (TOS) allows classification rules to be reflected in network traffic priorities. Please check with your network equipment provider if TOS encoding is supported.
If you would like to enable network TOS, you must modify the following configuration file: /etc/opt/webqos/net_tos.conf.
Modify this file before you start up WebQoS. The file contains two flags, IN_TOS and OUT_TOS, which tell WebQoS how to interpret and set the TOS byte in the IP headers of incoming and outgoing requests.
The IN_TOS Flag
The IN_TOS flag tells WebQoS how to interpret the TOS values of requests coming into WebQoS from your clients. If you have configured your networking devices (for example routers or switches) to set the TOS byte, and you want WebQoS to classify incoming requests based on that value rather than other request classification rules (for example IP address, URL, or port number), you should set this flag to TRUE. Then configure the expected value ranges for each request classification. Next, you configure your request classification rules to enable network QoS. Refer to “Setting Site Service Level Objectives”.
The OUT_TOS Flag
The OUT_TOS flag tells WebQoS how to set the TOS values for outgoing responses back to the client. If your network devices are configured to interpret these settings, you can signal these network devices to ensure
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