Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – Glossary (What Is...?)
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What is the Bypass button?
The Bypass button will bypass ALL the GearBox processing of your input signal*. The monitor signal you hear will then be rather “naked”, as well as the signal routed to your Record Sends. Engaging the Bypass button reduces the CPU load of your computer as well since it turns off all signal processing
tasks. You’ll see the GearBox interface “gray out” to indicate this when the Bypass button is engaged:
*Note - PODxt & POD X3 family devices will not display a Bypass button in this location. Instead use the individual Amp and Effect Stomp Box icons’ On/Off switches to “bypass” the Tone processing components individually.
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What is Chorus?
Chorus is one kind of Mod (modulation) Effect. It is generally used to give a “lush” or “swimmy” sound to guitar. Andy Summers of the Police, for instance, made chorus an important part of his signature sound. For details on each of the Chorus controls, move your mouse over the control and look in the Info Bar at the bottom of the GearBox window.
Some effects are modeled after classic gear described in the Model Gallery.
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