Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – Glossary (What Is...?)
What Is…
What is A.I.R.? | 10•3 |
What is the Amp button (PODxt & POD X3 only)? | 10•3 |
What are the Amp, Cab and Effect Models? | 10•3 |
What are the Amp Panel and Amp Model and Cab Model controls? | 10•4 |
What is ASIO® ? | 10•5 |
What is the | 10•6 |
What is the Browser? | 10•6 |
What is the Bypass button? | 10•8 |
What is Chorus? | 10•8 |
What is Comp (Compressor)? | 10•9 |
What is Core Audio® ? | 10•9 |
What is the CPU Usage Meter? | 10•10 |
What is Delay? | 10•10 |
What is the Device Manager in Windows®? | 10•10 |
What is a Dual Tone (POD X3)? | 10•10 |
What are the Effects? | 10•11 |
What is EQ (Equalizer)? | 10•12 |
What is a Flanger? | 10•13 |
What is the FX Loop (POD X3 Live/X3 Pro)? | 10•13 |
What is Gate? | 10•13 |
What is GuitarPort Online? | 10•14 |
What is the (Player) Half Speed Button? | 10•14 |
What is the Hardware Memory window (POD X3)? | 10•15 |
What are Hot Keys (keyboard shortcut assignments)? | 10•16 |
What is the Hum Reducer? | 10•18 |
What is the Info Bar? | 10•18 |
What is the Loaded (Track) Menu? | 10•19 |
What is the Loop Button? | 10•19 |
What is MIDI? | 10•19 |
What is Mod? | 10•20 |
What are Model Packs? | 10•20 |
What are the numbers shown in some tracks? | 10•21 |
What is a Preferred Audio Device? | 10•21 |
What is | 10•22 |
What is a Record Send? | 10•22 |
What is the Reference control in the Tuner? | 10•23 |
What is a Rotary Drum + Horn? | 10•23 |