Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – Glossary (What Is...?)
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What is a Tone?
A Tone is a saved setting for all controls that affect the processed sound applied to TonePort inputs.
Tones stored on your computer are accessed from the Tones menu at the top left of the GearBox window. Some Basic Tones and a folder of Preset Tones are available in this menu. The menu also has a User folder ready to store any new Tones that you save.
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What are Tone Changes (on GuitarPort Online Tracks)?
The small numbers shown at the bottom of some Tracks are the Tone Changes included in some Tracks available from GuitarPort Online. When Tone Changes are available, the
Only selected GuitarPort Online tracks include Tone Changes. You’ll most likely see these included in Tracks where the guitarist used significantly different equipment or settings to achieve a variety of sounds on the recording. When these Tracks are created, Line 6 creates multiple Tones that deliver the required range of sounds. These Tones are then embedded into the Track along with Tone Changes that trigger the right Tone to load at the right time. Wherever a Tone Change occurs, a boxed number is shown in the Track Sections Display. There are three Tone Changes in the example below: Tone Change 1 at the beginning of the Track, number 2 at the beginning of the Solo, and number 1 again later in the Solo:
Replacing Tones in Tracks
You can also choose a different Tone for a Tone Change to trigger. Stop the Track somewhere just after the Tone you want to change. Edit the Tone as you wish or choose a completely different Tone from the Tone menu. Then, from the File menu, choose Save > Tone > Replace Track Tone with Current Tone. The Tone you’re using has now been saved to the numbered tone change just before the green playback indicator in the Track. In the example above, the playback indicator is at the start of Chorus 1, so Tone Change number 1 would be the Tone that would get replaced, because that’s the first Tone Change before this point in the Track. This Tone will now be used for every Tone Change number 1 in the Track. In the example above, you’ll get this Tone at the beginning of the Track, and then again for the latter part of the Solo toward the end.
You can not add additional Tone Changes into a Track, move the Tone Changes, or change the number assigned to each Tone Change.
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