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How to set the Loop start and end points
When the Loop is on for the Track loaded in the Player button above the Browser, you’ll be able to see and set the Loop’s start and end points in the Track Sections Display:
•Click the Loop button to light it red if it’s not lit already.
•The looped portion of the Track is shown in orange.
•Light the BY SECTIONS button if you want the loop points to “snap” to the sections.
•Click, hold and drag the orange arrow at either end of the loop to set the start/end.
•There are also Hot Keys for setting Loop start, end and on/off.
•You can also
•You can hold the SHIFT key and
•If you choose Save Track from the GearBox File menu and save the Track to your hard disk, the Loop points will be saved with the track.
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How to share your Tones with other GuitarPort users
If you are a GuitarPort Online subscriber, you can put Tones you want to share in the Public folder of your Tone Locker. From there, any other GuitarPort Online member can access them and experience your