Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – GearBox
•+18 button – Boosts the level of the Record Send – useful if your GearBox signal is a weak one and you need more level to get a good record level.
•Mono button – sums the GearBox stereo Tone to a Mono signal for Record Send
Note – GearBox will not display the Mono button when a PODxt is the source device.
15 - USB device connection indicator:
TonePort & GuitarPort – This little USB plug icon appears flashing if GearBox does not find a supported Line 6 USB device connected to the computer.
PODxt – When GearBox is set to use a PODxt source device, a little red PODxt icon is displayed. If the PODxt device is disconnected or powered off, the icon appears with a question mark.
16 - CPU meter: Shows how much of your computer’s processing power is currently being utilized. If it reaches the red then you may experience audible dropouts and therefore need to reduce other processes running, or bypass some GearBox effects.
17 - Effects Control display: This panel displays the controls for the selected effect (see # 11 & 12 and #18 for how to choose to show an effect’s controls). For TonePort this can also show the Record Send
18 - Effect menu: Offers selection for which effect’s controls are shown in the Effects Control display area.
19 - Info Bar: Text appears in this bar relating to what your mouse cursor is currently hovering over. This is a very handy source of tips while using GearBox – remember to look here for info while clicking around!
20 - Browser controls: All button in this row control things that appear in the Browser panel below. We’ll go into more detail on the browser section separately, which includes the GuitarPort Online functionality, Player, Tone Locker, and more!
21 - Hardware Meters Show menu:
TonePort UX2/KB37 only – allows selection for what signal the VU meters on the TonePort UX2 device will measure.