Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – Driver Panel & Recording
displayed in the adjacent level meter and includes the combination of input sources and computer-
generated signals, such as those assigned to the current output from within your recording software.
Note that computer-generated signals (e.g. - the playback audio from your audio software’s session) are
unaffected by the volume slider. The level meter’s clip LED graphics light up when the signal reaches
0 dB.
Main Mix vs. Talent Mix
The UX8’s two front panel headphone outputs mirror Outs 1-2 and 3-4 respectively. You can use the
monitor controls, for example, to create a “main mix (1-2)” that captures the overall image of the
recording project, while a separate “talent mix (3-4)” can be provided for the musician who is currently
adding a new part, and may need a click track and an ample level of themselves above the rest of the
mix (you know, the guy asking for “more me” in his headphones). Additional output pairs 5-6 and 7-8
are available for headphone mixers or sending to an external tape deck, other monitors, or whatever
else you might want to send out a customized mix to.
Stereo Pairs
When the “Stereo” checkbox is active in the Inputs & Recording tab for a pair of Inputs, the
representative Inputs in the Ouputs and Monitoring tab will display them as “locked” as a stereo pair.
The lock icon represents
two sources linked as a
stereo pair.
The Pan sliders for a
“locked” stereo pair are
automatically set to
100% Left and Right.
Using tool tips
You can obtain precise value readings for output levels, volume sliders and pan sliders. Do this by
hovering the mouse cursor over the meter or slider you wish to read.