Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – GearBox with POD X3
you click...
Click here to show the effect’s edit display
Click here to enable/disable the effect
•Clicking on the top portion of each of the little amp or “stomp box” icons in this row will toggle the lower Effects Panel to display that effect block’s controls. You can do this independently of switching the effect itself On/Off. Note that you can use your left or right mouse button to do this.
•Clicking the bottom portion of the icon will toggle the effect On and Off.
•Amp Enable Disable - Clicking anywhere on the Amp icon toggles the Amp & Cab blocks between enabled/disabled. Note that with the Amp & Cab disabled, the Volume knob is still adjustable to allow you to set your (dry) signal level. Hey, sometimes naked is good!
With Amp & Cab in the disabled state, the Volume is still adjustable
Amp & Cab Enable/Disable toggle
TIP - You can also independently choose “No Amp” in the Amp Model menu or “No Cabinet” in the Cab Model menu if you want only one or the other applied to your Tone.
•Variax (POD X3 Live & Pro only) - Clicking on the Variax icon displays the Variax settings panel below. You can choose the Variax Model and Variax Type, as well as adjust the Tone for your connected Variax - or, you can choose “Don’t Control” in the Variax Model menu to prevent the onboard guitar settings from being changed by the Tone preset. These settings can then be saved with your Tone presets so that you can recall both your Variax + full Tone settings later. Please refer to the following Variax Options section for more info. Note that the Variax icon does not include an “On/Off” switch - your connected Variax signal is automatically “on” whenever you select Variax as one of your Tone 1 or Tone 2 Inputs (see item #1 above). *
*Note - To allow your connected Variax to be controlled by these GearBox Variax panel settings, you’ll need to set the Variax Global Control option to “Enable” - this option is in the POD X3 Live/ Pro’s Input screen. Please also see the following Variax Options section for more info.