Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – Glossary (What Is...?)
What is Tremolo?
Tremolo is one kind of effect that can be run by GearBox’s Mod (Modulation) Effect. Tremolo produces a pulsing sound. It works by turning the volume of your input down and back up again repeatedly, at the speed set for the tremolo. For details on each of the Tremolo controls, move your mouse over the control and look in the Info Bar at the bottom of the GearBox window.
Many of the effects are modeled after classic gear described in the Model Gallery.
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What is a USB hub?
A USB hub is a hardware device that can be connected to a computer’s
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What is Variax®?
The Line 6 Variax® line of instruments includes the revolutionary modeling electric guitar, acoustic guitar & electric bass that offer the sounds of dozens of classic axes all in one instrument! You can plug your Variax guitar or bass directly into POD X3 Live and POD X3 Pro and process the numerous guitar/bass sounds even further with the all your favorite POD flavors, and access settings in GearBox as well. When using GearBox with POD X3 Live/X3 Pro, you’ll see a Variax icon button - press this button to display the Variax settings screen. This allows you to choose the Variax Type, Model and adjust its Tone, and/or volume and compressor levels for the acoustic Variax - and these settings can be saved with any of your GearBox/POD X3 Tone presets as well for later recall.
To get even more out of your Variax, you can also purchase the Variax Workbench software which