Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – GearBox
For TonePort/GuitarPort devices – These controls affect the Monitor and playback signal paths for both Record Sends
For TonePort UX8 only – Note that GearBox’s record sends are labeled
9 - Bypass button:
TonePort – will bypass all amp and effects processing for the currently displayed Tone. Just your “naked”, unprocessed signal will be heard as well as routed to your Record Sends when bypassed.
GuitarPort – will bypass all amp and effects processing. Just your “naked”, unprocessed signal will be heard as well as routed to your Record Sends when bypassed.
PODxt – will bypass only the amp
10 - Tuner button: Toggles the display of the Guitar Tuner.
11&12 - Effects Show/Hide and On/Off toggles:
•Clicking on the top portion of each of the little “stomp box” icons in this row will toggle the lower Effects Panel to display that effect’s controls. You can do this independently of switching the effect itself On/Off. Note that you can use your left or right mouse button to do this.
•Clicking the bottom portion of the stomp box will toggle the effect On and Off.
13 - GearBox Record Send and VU Meters:
TonePort & GuitarPort – These show the signal level of the
These indicators will light up red when the signal is clipping.
Note – GearBox will not display VU Meters when a PODxt is the source device.
14 - Record Send 1-2 controls:
•Record knob – controls the level of your GearBox processed Tone that is routed to Record Send