Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – Glossary (What Is...?)
What is the CPU Usage Meter?
The CPU Usage Meter at the bottom right corner of the GearBox window shows how much of your computer’s CPU horsepower is being used to power GearBox. If you see the meter close to fully lit (as the meter shown above is), GearBox is putting a heavy load on your computer. When you bypass GearBox’s tone processing engine by pressing the second button to the right of the Tone menu, you’ll see the CPU Usage Meter’s level drop.
Windows® users can reduce the load GearBox and TonePort put on their CPU by selecting Hardware
&Settings from GearBox’s Help menu and increasing the setting used by ToneDirect™ monitoring. Also check out Chapter 2 of this guide for more about audio device drivers.
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What is Delay?
Delay is one of the categories of GearBox Effects, and you’ll find several types of Delays in GearBox. Delay adds a delayed echo of your guitar. A short delay time and low feedback setting will give you a classic “slapback” delay. Longer delay times give you a distinctly separate echo, and higher feedback settings increase the number of echoes. For details on each of the Delay controls, move your mouse over the control and look in the Info Bar at the bottom of the GuitarPort window.
Some Delay effects are modeled after classic gear described in the Model Gallery.
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What is the Device Manager in Windows®?
To learn about the Windows® Device Manager and see how it can be used to view and adjust the settings for your computer’s hardware, please see the Windows XP/Vista Optimizations document on the GearBox - User Manuals section of the Line 6 web site.
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What is a Dual Tone (POD X3)?
One of the main features of the POD X3 family devices over the PODxt architecture is that POD X3 is capable of operating in a “Dual Tone” mode. POD X3 devices have two independent Tone paths built right in and you can load any existing Tone preset into either the Tone 1 or Tone 2 slot, as well as edit