Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – GearBox with POD X3
Variax Bass settings panel (for Bass 700 & 705)
Note: To allow changes made in the GearBox Variax panel control your connected Variax guitar, you’ll need to be sure to set the POD X3 Live/X3 Pro’s Input screen, Variax option to “Enable Global Control”. If this option is set to “Disable Global Control”, then the Variax remains “locked” so that it its settings can only be accessed on the guitar itself.
To follow are the GearBox Variax panel options:
Variax Type - First, select the type of Variax you are using from this menu (Electric, Acoustic or Bass) to display the matching controls, as shown in the above screenshots.
Variax Model - In this menu you’ll see the specific models all available for your connected Variax. Note that choosing the setting here will switch your Variax instrument internally, but your Variax guitar/bass model knob and position toggle switch will not change. If you change the knob/toggle settings on the Variax guitar itself, then you will see the Variax Model menu item change to reflect your settings. Within the Model menu, you can choose from all the standard models, custom models, as well as User model presets that all reside on the internal memory of your Variax. If you also own the Line 6 Variax Workbench software, then you can edit, customize and save into the User model bank of your Variax!* To purchase Workbench, just launch Line 6 Monkey and go to the Optional
*Note: The names of the selectable User Models do not reflect
Variax Electric knob:
•Tone - this is the equivalent of the Tone knob on your Variax 300/500/600/700 guitar.
Variax Acoustic sliders:
•Mic - this is the equivalent of the Mic Position slider on your Variax 300/700.
•Comp - this is the equivalent of the Compressor slider on your Variax 300/700, to change the compression level.
Variax Bass knobs:
•Blend - this is the equivalent of the Pickup Blend knob on your Variax 700/705.
•Treble - this is the equivalent of the smaller of the concentric tone knobs on your Variax 700/705.
•Bass - this is the equivalent of the larger of the concentric tone knobs on your Variax 700/705.