Line 6 GearBox 3.7 – Glossary (What Is...?)
#4. When CC #4 messages are received by the GearBox software, the Wah’s Position knob moves accordingly, and you’ll hear your guitar Tone change just the way it would if a wah pedal was being used. Please see the MIDI Continuous Controller Reference document on the GearBox - User Manuals page for more details on MIDI connectivity and how to map MIDI hardware to specific GearBox parameters.
POD X3 devices respond to only a limited number of MIDI control messages, however, POD X3 does support the use of the Line 6 FBV Foot Controller units - check you POD X3 Pilot’s Handbook or the POD
MIDI Channel
When TonePort or GuitarPort hardware is used, the GearBox software always sends MIDI messages on Channel 1 and responds to messages on any channel. PODxt users, please see your PODxt Pilot’s Handbook to learn how to set your PODxt’s MIDI Channel to match your other MIDI hardware and software.
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What is Mod?
Mod, an abbreviation for Modulation, is one of GearBox’s Effects. The Modulation effect can use one several different Models, all described in the Model Gallery.
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What are Model Packs?
Model Packs are expansion sets you can purchase for your TonePort, GuitarPort and PODxt*.
•The Metal Shop pack contains 18 bone crushing high gain amp models.
•The Classic Collection pack contains 18 vintage amp models.
•The FX Junkie contains 17 sinister stomps, 13 mind bending mods, and 5 dreamy delays. (The PODxt Live unit already includes all models in the FX Junkie).
•The Power Pack expands a TonePort’s or GuitarPort’s amp, stomp, mod, delay, and verb collection to that of a PODxt. (PODxt’s already include all models in the Power Pack).