￿PT status notify area: Word 0110
Support tool settings
Make the following settings with the support tool:

￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿&￿￿￿'￿￿(0￿￿'￿￿(0￿"￿￿&￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿ Section 5-1

Procedure 1. Use the support tool to allocate the PT status notify area (PT to PC) to the PC memory.

2.Create a PC program to read the “currently displayed screen word” in the in the PT status notify area when the “screen switch strobe flag” in the PT status notify area has turned ON.

Reference The contents of the “currently displayed screen word” are updated also by

￿switching the screen by pressing a touch switch on the NT600S.

For this function (standalone function or screen switch function), refer to the

￿“Standalone Function” (page 141). Continuous screens and overlapping screens

When a continuous or overlapping screen is displayed, the number of the parent screen is written to the “currently displayed screen word”.

For the continuous and overlapping screens, refer to the “Classification of screens” (page 124).

Example of Reading the Number of Currently Display Screen

This example gives a PC program that reads the screen number each time the screen is switched. In this example, the number of the previous screen is also ￿stored.

￿PT status notify area: Word 0110

PC ladder program


Screen switch

￿strobe flag








Word for storing the number of the previous screen


Word for notifying the number of the currently displayed screen

Word for storing a new screen number

Program operation

(1)When the NT600S screen display switches and the screen switch strobe flag (bit 11212) turns ON, the contents of DM0100 are transferred to DM0101. The number of the previously displayed screen is stored in word 0101.

(2)The new screen number notified by the NT600S is read and transferred to DM0100. The number of the currently displayed screen is stored in DM0100.


Page 177
Image 177
Omron V022-E3-1 operation manual 00& Section, PT status notify area: Word