.￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿3￿￿￿￿ Section 5-2

.￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿￿3￿￿￿￿ Section 5-2

Reference When it is necessary to display changing data such as monitored data of words in the PC, use the numeral and character-string memory tables. This must be used to change the display contents (contents of memory table and words).

Procedure 1. Use the support tool to allocate the numeral and character-string memory tables to the PC memory.

2.Register the memory tables for the numerals and character-strings to be dis- played when creating the screen data by using the support tool.

To display a character-string, use “character display” and specify the charac- ter-string memory table by using the support tool.

To display numerals, use “numeral display” and specify the numeral memory table by using the support tool.

3.Create a PC program to write the contents of numerals and character-strings ￿to be displayed on the NT600S to the PC words.

Important points when writing a character-string

If the character font for character-strings displayed on the NT600S screen is set as half height and a normal character-string is written after displaying a 2-byte code (mark), part of the mark will remain displayed, as shown below.

￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿ ￿

In this case, first write a 2-byte code (FF20 to FF5F) for which nothing is regis- tered, then write a normal-size character-string.

Application Example of the Numeral Memory Tables Allocated to the PC Words

This example gives the procedure to directly display the contents of the words allo- cated as the numeral memory tables in the PC memory. The NT600S screen dis- ￿play will change as the contents of the PC word change.

Support tool settings

Allocate the memory as shown below by using the support tool.

Numeral memory table entry #1: DM0000 (allocated words: 2 words)

Numeral memory table entry #2: DM0002 (allocated words: 1 word)

Screen numbers to be created: #1 and #2

Line 1







Numeral memory table entry #1 (8-digit input)

Numeral memory table entry #2 (4-digit input)


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Omron V022-E3-1 operation manual Section