17.1.3 Tenant Service
•Pager Volume
It is possible to change the volume level of an external pager through system programming.
Installation Manual References
2.10.1Connection of Peripherals
2.10.1Connection of Peripherals
2.13.1Connection of Peripherals
PC Programming Manual References
4.8 TAFAS Answer
PT Programming Manual References
[700] External Pager Floating Extension Number
Operating Manual References
1.3.63TAFAS (Trunk Answer From Any Station)
17.1.3Tenant Service
Tenant service is a
1.Tenant Configuration
Tenant Member
Extensions are assigned to a tenant indirectly; they are assigned to extension user groups, and these extension user groups are assigned to tenants. An extension can belong to only one extension user group and an extension user group can belong to only one tenant, therefore an extension can belong to only one tenant. (→ 7.1.1 GROUP FEATURES)
Time Service
Time modes are used by many PBX features to determine how they will function during different times of day (→ 17.1.5 Time Service). The start and end times of each time mode (day/lunch/break/night) for each day of the week are programmed in a Time Table. Each Time Table has a number which corresponds to the tenant number of the tenant it serves. (Tenant 1 uses Time Table 1, etc.)
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