DCP Configuration
Leased Line Ð Singleport Mode A
The Leased Line configuration options only appear when the Sync Leased factory preset template is selected. They are used to configure the modem for operation over leased lines.
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Leased Line Configuration OptionsÐ Singleport Mode A
LeaseModulation: V34
Nxt V34 V32_Family TMp V33 V29 V27b/V22b
Lease Modulation. Modulation reduces the amount of scrolling necessary to select Leased Line rates by limiting the number of Leased Line Rate configuration options. Only one group of Leased Line rates is displayed depending on the setting of the Lease Modulation configuration option (V.34, V.32bis, V.32terbo, TMp, V.33, V.29, V.27bis, V.22bis).
LeasedLine Rate: 28800(V34)
Nxt 33600 31200 28800(V34) 26400(V34) 24000(V34) 21600(V34) 19200(V34) 16800(V34) 14400(V34) 12000(V34) 9600(V34) 7200(V34) 4800(V34) 2400(V34) 19200(V32t) 16800(V32t) 14400(V32b) 12000(V32b) 9600(V32b) 7200(V32b) 4800(V32b) 19200(TMp), 14400(TMp) 9600(TMp) 7200(TMp) 4800(TMp) 2400(TMp) 2400(V22bis) 14400(V33) 12000(V33) 9600(V29) 7200(V29) 4800(V29) 4800(V27bis) 2400(V27bis)
33600, 31200, 28800(V34), 26400(V34), 24000(V34), 21600(V34), 19200(V34), 16800(V34), 14400(V34) | 12000(V34), |
9600(V34), 7200(V34), 4800(V34), 2400(V34) ± The modem operates using V.34 modulation at the data rate selected.
19200(V32t), 16800(V32t), 14400(V32b), 12000(V32b), 9600(V32b), 7200(V32b), 4800(V32b) ± The modem operates using V.32bis or V.32 terbo modulation at the data rate selected. These modulation schemes are available on
19200(TMp), 14400(TMp), 9600(TMp), 7200(TMp), 4800(TMp), 2400(TMp) ± The modem operates in Trellis Multipoint mode at the data rate selected. These modulation schemes are available on
NOTE: TMp control modems can accept mixed inbound rates from tributary modems. For example, one inbound link may be configured for 14.4 kbps while another link experiencing line impairments may be configured for
9.6kbps. The following control/tributary rate combinations are allowed: control at 19.2 kbps, tributaries at 14.4 or 9.6 kbps; control at 14.4 kbps, tributaries at 14.4 or 9.6 kbps; control at 9.6 kbps, tributaries at 9.6 or
7.2kbps; control at 7.2 kbps, tributaries at 7.2 or 4.8 kbps; control at 4.8 kbps, tributaries at 4.8 or 2.4 kbps; control at 2.4 kbps, tributaries at 2.4 kbps. Tributary rates will never exceed control rates. If tributary and control rates are equal, reducing the control rate will automatically reduce the tributary rate.
2400(V22bis) ± This modulation scheme is available on
14400(V33), 12000(V33) ± These modulation schemes are only available on
9600(V29), 7200(V29), 4800(V29) ± These modulation schemes are only available on
November 1996 |