COMSPHERE 392xPlus Modems
(4 of 5)
Leased Line Configuration OptionsÐ Singleport Mode A
SpecialStandby: Disable
Nxt Disable Enable
This configuration option only appears when Automatic Dial Standby is configured for 15min, 1hr, 4hr or Test(2min) and Leased mode is configured for Originate mode,
when Automatic Dial Standby is configured for Adv15min, Adv30min, Adv1hr or TestAdv(2min).
Special Standby. Used to support Automatic Dial Standby configurations when a third modem is used for the dial backup. When the leased line is restored, the Special Standby configuration allows the
NOTE: When the modems are set for normal dial standby (15min, 1hr 4hr, or Test(2min)), the Special Standby configuration option allows the originate modem to test the lease connection in one direction before interrupting primary data on the dial lines.
NOTE: When the modems are set for advanced dial standby (Adv15min, Adv 30min, Adv1hr or Adv Test(2min)), the Special Standby configuration option allows a
NOTE: For proper operation of Special Standby, ensure that the Automode configuration option is set to Enable.
The AT command is
DialStandbyTime: 10min
Nxt 10min 5min 1min
Dial Standby Time. Selects the amount of time that a dial circuit is held after returning to the leased lines.
CarrierOn Level: ± 43dbm
Nxt ± 43dbm ±26dbm
Carrier On Level. Controls the carrier detection threshold for leased lines. When the power level of the receive carrier signal drops 2 dBm below this level (either ±26 dBm or ±43 dBm), LSD turns OFF. When the carrier signal is greater than this level, LSD turns ON.
For TMp Control, ±26dbm is the factory default.
The AT command is
V27bis Train: Short
Nxt Short Long
This configuration option only appears when
V.27bis Train. Controls the train time for V.27bis operation.
The AT command is
V29 TrainOnData: Disable
Nxt Disable Enable
This configuration option only appears when
V.29 Train On Data. When enabled, the modem receiver can train based upon the incoming data or a training sequence from the distant modem. This function is necessary for a remote (tributary) modem in a V.29 multipoint network and is recommended for a control modem as well.
The AT command is
V29 Retrain: Enable
Nxt Disable Enable
This configuration option only appears when
V.29 Retrain. When enabled, the modem transmits a training sequence whenever it receives one. This configuration option should normally be disabled for control modems.
The AT command is
November 1996 |