COMSPHERE 392xPlus Modems
Misc Ð Multiport l
The Miscellaneous configuration options determine specifics for various functions, including network management parameters and remote modem access.
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Miscellaneous Configuration Options Ð Multiport Mode l
StrapsWhenDisc: No_Change
Nxt No_Change Reload
Straps When Disconnected. Determines whether or not configuration options in the Active (Saved) configuration area are reloaded to Active (Operating) when a disconnect occurs. This is appropriate in Async Dial Mode only.
No Change ± Configuration options do not change if a disconnect occurs.
Reload ± The Active (Operating) configuration area, which controls modem operation, is reloaded from the Active (Saved) configuration area when a disconnect occurs. This is useful in modem pooling applications where it is desirable to start the modem from a known condition after every call.
Speaker Control: OnUntilCarr
Nxt OnUntilCarr Off On
Speaker Control. Determines if the speaker is OFF, ON until carrier signal is received by the modem, or ON all the time.
NOTE: Speaker Control can also be temporarily set using the Control branch; however, a reset or power cycle will restore the modem to the Speaker Control and Speaker Volume configuration option settings.
Speaker Volume: Medium
Nxt Medium Low High
Speaker Volume. Controls the level of speaker volume.
NOTE: Speaker Volume can also be temporarily set using the Control branch; however, a reset or power cycle will restore the modem to the Speaker Control and Speaker Volume configuration option settings.
Access frm Remt: Enable
Nxt Enable Disable
Access from Remote. Determines if your modem's DCP can be accessed by a remote modem via the VF line.
CAUTION: If this configuration option is disabled, the modem cannot be accessed by another modem.
Enable ± Allows access from a remote modem.
Disable ± Does not allow access from a remote modem.
NOTE: The remote modem must be a 392xPlus modem or a 391x Series modem.
RemAccssPasswrd: 00000000
Nxt " 00000000
Remote Access Password. Allows the entry of a password for establishing control of a remote modem from the DCP of a local modem. The same password must be used in both the local and remote modem.
CAUTION: A remote access password should be selected for security purposes.
NOTE: If the Access from Remote configuration option is set to Disable, the password has no effect.
November 1996 |