1.28 Networking Features Line Identification Presentation (CLIP/COLP) and Calling/Connected Name Identification Presentation
Calling Line/Name Identification Presentation (CLIP/CNIP):
The PBX can send a preprogrammed extension number and/or name to the QSIG network when an extension user makes a call. The called party can see the number and/or name on his telephone display before answering the call.
Connected Line/Name Identification Presentation (COLP/CONP):
The PBX sends a preprogrammed extension number and/or name to the QSIG network when the extension user answers an incoming call. The caller can see the number and/or name of the answering party on his telephone display when the call is answered.
These features comply with the following European Telecommunication Standard (ETS) specifications:
CLIP/COLP: ETS 300 172 Circuit mode basis services.
CNIP/CONP: ETS 300 238 Name identification supplementary services.
[CLIP/CNIP Example]
1) Dials "202".
(Extn. No.: 101
Extn. Name: John)
CLIP: 101
CNIP: John
2)"John 101"
is displayed.
Called party
(Extn. No.: 202)
[COLP/CONP Example]
1) Dials "203".
3)"Paul 204"
is displayed.
COLP: 204
CONP: Paul
Called party (Extn. No.: 203 Extn. Name: Tom)
FWD, IRNA, etc.
Answering party (Extn. No.: 204 Extn. Name: Paul)
2) Answers the call.