Machine connection method: LPR Direct Print (Auto Search)

Set as default printer:Yes (excluding the PC-Fax driver)

Printer driver name: Cannot be changed

Display fonts: Installed

If you selected [Custom installation], select [LPR Direct Print (Auto Search)] and click the [Next] button.

If you selected other than [LPR Direct Print (Auto Search)], see the following pages:

LPR Direct Print (Specify Address): page 15

IPP: page 19 •Shared printer: page 30

Connected to this computer: page 22

3 Printers connected to the

network are detected. Select the machine and click the [Next] button.

• If the machine is not found, make sure that the machine is powered on and that the machine is connected to the network, and then click the [Re-search] button.

You can also click the [Specify condition] button and search for the machine by entering the machine's name (host name) or IP address.

Checking the IP address of the machine (page 7)

4 A confirmation window appears. Check the contents and then click the [Next] button.