Commissioning (software)
4.2 Configuring the system in offline mode
4.2.4Aligning HW Config
After having completed the configuration of all SINAMICS components, align the data with HW Config.
Proceed as follows:
1.Open the "Configuration" entry in the "SINAMICS_Integrated" tree in the Project Navigator. The "SINAMICS_Integrated - Configuration" dialog box opens with a list of configured drive objects.
The question marks in the I/O address fields indicate that you have not yet defined the I/O addresses of the drive objects.
Figure 4-10 Configuration prior to HW Config alignment
Drive objects without address must be positioned at the end of the list, for otherwise it is not possible to align HW Config ("Align with HW Config"). To move the order of a drive object without address, select the associated drive object and move it downwards using the arrow key.
2.Click "Align with HW Config" in order to assign addresses to the configured components. The addresses are written to HW Config.
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Commissioning Manual, 08/2008 Edition |