Commissioning (software)
4.6 Using drive-related I/Os by SIMOTION
Before the matching, all drive objects without input/output addresses
The icons in the status column show the following information:
The message frame is configured differently in HW Config. You must match with HW Config.
You use a predefined standard message frame or free BICO interconnection.
You use a changed standard message frame that you have extended with additional data.
You use a message frame for which one of the two message frame lengths is too long. The drive object cannot process this entry.
6.Click "Transfer to HW Config" in order to transfer the changes to HW Config.
The red check mark at the line indicates that a modified standard protocol is being used. The I/O address data is entered after its transfer to HW Config.
7.Change to the configured drive and
8.Deactivate the "Hide inactive interconnections" option to display all PSDs of the message frame.
The send and receive data (at least 16 entries) will be displayed. The first PSDs are assigned the standard message frame by default and cannot be changed.
9.Interconnect the PSDs (at the end of the PSD list) that you have added with the required signals by means of BICO.
98 | D410 |
Commissioning Manual, 08/2008 Edition |